Maxamul, it is not true I will promise you that, I did not try to shut anyone down, and I did not ask for a support, I was simply curious as to what I was tempted.
YRVintage, you have read the entire private message, I did not force xKirito to support me, it is what she said in chat, I am not lying and I do not continue to lie.
1. Never said you forced him. NEVER did I say that. NEVER. I simply stated you asked for Supports. You went with it, the evidence does not lie. Then, did you not try to fabricate evidence to use in his moderator app?
I'm not afraid of anything, would you rather go back and forth between multiple posts to talk to one another? When we're only talking to each other? It is best to keep everything organized in one chat rather than many.
@YRVintage Don't inform people of what they don't need to know. It's between @cheetahswimmer and any speculation given with Kirito. You're always harping on people, when you shouldn't be.
I don't care about your relation to the conversation. You have no right to just go out and bully others. You're obviously making cheetahswimmer feel bad. You think you're over popular and I've seen that.
tbh i respect your opinion, but i'd have to disagree. i don't regret what I have said, as it is all true and i felt like she needed a change, and what I said I do not believe was bullying, but I will change my approach in the future.
I would not have said what I have said if didn't want you to change, in the pm, you kept making so many excuses and not owning up specifically to what you did,
ill stop now
Comments on Profile Post by Maxamul