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  • Comments on Profile Post by xItsAce

    1. Thnyan559
      Feb 26, 2016
    2. Jen
      Yes, since you already have done it once, I'm positive you can't do it again. You have to have it approved by a head mod or forum admin. @Nanurz was the other one :)
      Feb 26, 2016
    3. Thnyan559
      Feb 26, 2016
    4. Bananurz
      What do you want your name changed to?
      Feb 26, 2016
    5. Kyaaaal
      @Prin you are allowed to get it changed more than once. Just get in touch with @Pile_of_Butts . She set up a thread stating just to message her via convo or her profile and she'll happily change it. (Of course, it must follow the rules)
      Feb 26, 2016
    6. Jen
      ik, just saying you can't do it more than once with your own control, after one time you need approval from a headmod or pile :p
      Feb 26, 2016