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  • Comments on Profile Post by RachetSenpai

    1. Tepig4321
      u the bes
      Feb 20, 2016
      RachetSenpai likes this.
    2. elrak
      What happened?
      Feb 20, 2016
      RachetSenpai likes this.
    3. TADS
      Feb 20, 2016
      RachetSenpai likes this.
    4. Bananurz
      Are you kidding me Rachet? Out of all the people who would say this, I least expected you. :/
      Feb 20, 2016
      RachetSenpai likes this.
    5. RachetSenpai
      There was an advertiser on skywars, not going to mention the mod's name so they're embarrased, but I kept telling them to ban them, they weren't answering me, and were playing skywars and ended up not banning them as they left shortly after, most mods don't even globally moderate, I see a lot of them only on bedwars, while other gm's have no staff, only bedwwars, and hardly any moderators moderate factions anymore.
      Feb 20, 2016
    6. RachetSenpai
      I'm sorry Nanurz, I didn't want to have to say this either, but it's true, I'm honestly surprised.
      Feb 20, 2016
    7. elrak
      Sort of like earlier today, when there were about 6 mods going to game-mode to game-mode playing the game (bedwars, skywars etc). I guess this is what happens when you bring the team closer together. When I was a moderator none of the other mods ever came to Factions because we hardly talked to each other, or they had their own little group.
      Feb 20, 2016
      RachetSenpai likes this.
    8. RachetSenpai
      Precisely, but even when I was Moderator, I made sure that I moderated every single gamemode, and I was really close with everyone as well, not just go on a vertain gamemode to deal with a report then leave.
      Feb 20, 2016
      YRVintage likes this.
    9. Bananurz
      I hate when moderators do it but some AFK on gamemodes. I doubt any moderator would be running around, ignoring your messages, and watching an advertiser. If this did happen, please tell me in PM and if you have a video, send it. Honestly though, most moderators now have been chosen out of a group of few and hand selected to moderate. Lots of time goes into this now. :/
      Feb 20, 2016
    10. RachetSenpai
      Thank you Nanurz, I understand, unfortunately I deleted my recording device though for reasons, so I don't actually have a video but thank you for your appreciation, about the afk thing,
      Feb 20, 2016
    11. RachetSenpai
      Moderators usually do this when sorting out their ban log, ban appeals and report, what I did for this situation is log out, then when it was ready, I would log back in game to unban/ban, that way nobody could ocmplain that I was ignoring them.
      Feb 20, 2016
    12. YRVintage
      Thank you for speaking up.
      Feb 20, 2016
      RachetSenpai likes this.
    13. Bananurz
      Some people can accidentally afk in-game. (I do sometimes)

      However, if you wait or alert another mod with /staff, the issue should be cleared up.
      Feb 20, 2016
      YRVintage likes this.
    14. RachetSenpai
      Only problem is sometimes there isn't any other staff on apart from that one person xD or is there is they're busy ;p but thank you for listening.

      EDIT: We honestly need more moderation on factions, and generally every gm, but factions especially.
      Feb 20, 2016
    15. YRVintage
      Feb 20, 2016
    16. Bananurz
      We are currently looking for moderators. You will get your promotions.
      Feb 20, 2016
      YRVintage likes this.
    17. YRVintage
      Feb 20, 2016
    18. RachetSenpai
      Thank you bud
      Feb 20, 2016
    19. Tepig4321
      Do it today man
      Feb 20, 2016
    20. Turks_Murk
      It's true...
      Feb 20, 2016