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  • Comments on Profile Post by GizzBots

    1. Zulfqar
      Thats nice <:
      Feb 19, 2016
    2. sircorgi
      I always chuckle when I see 16 year olds not spelling 'years' right..

      Feb 19, 2016
    3. GizzBots
      The 'u' is next to the y. I made a grammatical error. Actually, 'yr' auto corrects on my phone to be 'ur' so ggwp. Shows the maturity you're lacking l0000l
      Feb 19, 2016
    4. GizzBots
      And to exemplifie my point, my phone screen is legitimately destroyed. I'm surprised I can type at all.
      Feb 19, 2016
    5. GizzBots
      I'm not the one applying for mod. If all you have is petty comments, then why post? You have something to show, not me. I don't have to be 'mature' here to prove something. I already did my service as mod, you on the other hand threw it away in your own stupidity.
      Feb 19, 2016
    6. sircorgi
      You have got no idea what caused my demotion, unless, that is if you do?

      I got demoted while trying to ban a hacker, not to fly away from dying.
      Feb 19, 2016
    7. GizzBots
      I read what you said on your app and I spent most of my moderating time cleaning up KitPvP. A mod doesn't accidentally abuse like that, it was most definitely intentional. But that's besides the point
      Feb 19, 2016
    8. sircorgi
      It was a mistake.
      A mistake that happened in the past.
      Feb 19, 2016
    9. GizzBots
      A mistake you shouldn't have made, a mistake that you can't just brush off and say 'it was in the past'. You threw your opportunity away like trash, and yet you still come here, and act immature? You're the one applying, not me pal.
      Feb 19, 2016
    10. sircorgi
      I am still trying to go through this, and here you are treating ME like trash.
      Please show how in the name of God am I acting immature, all I'm saying is that I made a mistake, and pointing out your hypocrisy.
      Feb 19, 2016
    11. GizzBots
      Do you know what hypocrisy is, because if so, you're using it in the wrong context. Want me to point it out for you? "RebornWolf I always chuckle when I see 16 year olds not spelling 'years' right....lmao'ed" - Pointing out a grammatical error as your response to a status that you clearly took offence to; immature.
      Feb 19, 2016
    12. sircorgi
      I didn't take any offence to your status. If you think that, then you don't know me. I just found it funny that you said-
      "I always chuckle when I see 12 ur olds saying they're leaving MC to focus on 'school'"
      Because, if you did intentionally put ur olds in, then you would be needing to focus on school, heh.
      I find these things funny for some reason.

      Also, you don't need to get so defensive on just a error. :/
      Feb 19, 2016
    13. GizzBots
      It was immature to call someone out based on their grammar, when in fact it was auto correct, with the knowledge that it would most likely cause conflict. That's immature. It was immature to argue upto this, and then when you realise you've been shown up, fall back and put the blame on the other person. It takes two to tango.
      Feb 19, 2016
    14. sircorgi
      Ok, I apologize, but (Besides my app) you are showing immaturity by getting so defensive, that's all.
      "It was immature to argue upto this"
      You seem to be arguing yourself, I'm not technically arguing in any way.
      Feb 19, 2016
    15. GizzBots
      You're posting on my wall, ofc I'm going to reply on my own wall. Smh
      Feb 19, 2016
    16. sircorgi
      If you find this becoming into some argument, you could always delete all this.
      Feb 19, 2016
    17. GizzBots
      I'd rather it stay for future reference if needed. I'm not ashamed in any way.
      Feb 19, 2016
    18. sircorgi
      I don't get how this get be used for future reference if it's just me trying to not get into some flame war
      Feb 19, 2016
    19. GizzBots
      k stop posting here pls, you're wasting my keyboard db
      Feb 19, 2016
    20. sircorgi
      You're on your phone?
      Feb 19, 2016
    21. GizzBots
      Always on my phone
      Feb 19, 2016
    22. sircorgi
      Feb 19, 2016
    23. dankmeme
      Feb 19, 2016
    24. sircorgi
      Thanks Satisficion, but I don't wish for you to be dragged into this, it's bad enough that I have to.
      Feb 19, 2016
    25. GizzBots
      oml get off my profile if you have a problem with being 'dragged in here' - you dragged yourself in here by posting. Btw Satisfaction, I have my opinions. I'm entitled to them, and I back them up. But k.
      Feb 19, 2016
    26. sircorgi
      I asked her to stay off this because she doesn't need this bs happening to her. Is that such a sin?
      Feb 19, 2016
    27. rpcraig
      That hard 7th grade life *facepalm*
      Feb 20, 2016
    28. Syndicade
      or the kids in PVP that say "EZ" every 10 seconds.
      Mar 10, 2016
    29. sircorgi
      Even if they die.. :/
      Mar 10, 2016
    30. Teddy
      Lmao tru and I'm here studying 6 languages saying 'I WANT MC' in each of them ._.
      Mar 21, 2016
    31. sircorgi
      Oh which languages?
      Mar 21, 2016
    32. Teddy
      English, Greek, Russian, Chinese, French and German.
      Mar 21, 2016
    33. sircorgi
      Cool :P
      Mar 21, 2016
    34. Teddy
      ty xP
      Mar 21, 2016