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  • Comments on Profile Post by Titanicguy

    1. Teeeb
      Sorry dude Survival won't reset... It hasn't been a year since it reset.
      Feb 18, 2016
      Titanicguy likes this.
    2. Titanicguy
      Feb 18, 2016
      MagicalRaven likes this.
    3. MagicalRaven
      There was a survival reset ?! :o
      Feb 18, 2016
    4. MagicalRaven
      I worked so hard ! But yeah towny is something I'll be spending my time on the most once it comes out
      Feb 18, 2016
    5. Teeeb
      It reset like in May 2015... It doesn't need a reset lol
      Feb 18, 2016
    6. Titanicguy
      Look at the nether and the overworld grief,it looks fugly.
      Feb 18, 2016
      MagicalRaven likes this.