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  • Comments on Profile Post by ShovelMcYT

    1. ShonalFromRaxs
      xD you play csgo now dont ya?
      Feb 29, 2016
    2. ShovelMcYT
      Nah m9 I don't. well not that often lmao
      Mar 20, 2016
    3. ShonalFromRaxs
      such a late respone
      Mar 21, 2016
    4. ShovelMcYT
      I don't come on the forums almost ever. I'm only on now because I got wrongfully banned on kitpvp and there's no way in hell that I'm going to wait out 30 days for stuff I didn't do.
      Mar 21, 2016
    5. ShonalFromRaxs
      lol thats true af are you still on that pig account?
      Mar 22, 2016
    6. ShovelMcYT
      My what account? Th3Nick56 hacked my old two accounts lol, I had to buy a new one.
      Mar 22, 2016