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  • Comments on Profile Post by baile y

    1. Maxamul
      My mom doesn't give me that ._.
      Feb 14, 2016
    2. baile y
      baile y
      Lol. Lots don't. :)
      Feb 14, 2016
    3. Maxamul
      Over privileged brat.
      Feb 14, 2016
      baile y likes this.
    4. baile y
      baile y
      Oh my goodness. I'm not the one with a 250$ rank XD
      Feb 15, 2016
    5. Maxamul
      I bought that with my own money boi.
      Feb 15, 2016
    6. baile y
      baile y
      Its just a basket with stuff in it, boi
      Feb 15, 2016
    7. Maxamul
      And that's a basket with stuff more than I get.
      Feb 15, 2016
    8. baile y
      baile y
      Its not like I get stuff like that every day
      Feb 15, 2016
    9. baile y
      baile y
      My mom wouldn't even let me get a rank with my OWN money. :(
      Feb 15, 2016
    10. Maxamul
      Goodnight Bay
      Feb 15, 2016
    11. baile y
      baile y
      Feb 15, 2016