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  • Comments on Profile Post by Cristopher Fennessee

    1. Flarey
      Jun 19, 2014
    2. Cristopher Fennessee
      Cristopher Fennessee
      No one is going to get me god WBC said he will see but I doubt if so I'm saf
      Jun 19, 2014
    3. Flarey
      Buy it Yourself :) Or I can get someone to buy you god. her dad is the co owner of microsoft. SHe bought me and 4 others titan and 15 people god.
      Jun 20, 2014
    4. Cristopher Fennessee
      Cristopher Fennessee
      Plz do I'll luv you ps I am broke that is y I win top voter
      Jun 20, 2014
    5. Cristopher Fennessee
      Cristopher Fennessee
      Did you ask her if she could
      Jun 20, 2014
    6. Flarey
      I am.
      Jun 20, 2014
    7. Cristopher Fennessee
      Cristopher Fennessee
      K ill give you something on prison
      Jun 20, 2014