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  • Comments on Profile Post by notvh

    1. TADS
      "Member, Female, 14."

      Feb 11, 2016
    2. babyboynitro
      Wait so, you changed into a boy? Aight i got this
      Feb 11, 2016
    3. notvh
      I'm not like other girls. I'm an angry old man who shouts "get off my lawn!" on the inside.
      Feb 12, 2016
    4. baile y
      baile y
      ;-; But Notvh!!
      Feb 22, 2016
    5. baile y
      baile y
      Oh my goodness! Notvh why did you just yell at me for playing on your lawn? WAS THAT YOU?? Omigosh. I'm freeeeeeeeakin' out.
      Feb 22, 2016