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  • Comments on Profile Post by lionbdcraft

    1. Titanicguy
      That there is a black hole several hundred billion km wide?
      Hell yes
      Feb 4, 2016
    2. Squire
      Me too. I'm actually thinking about majoring in astronomy, not sure it really pays well though :(
      Feb 4, 2016
    3. Titanicguy
      You need to know ALOT of math for astronomy.It requires alot of calculations to move the telescopes.
      Feb 4, 2016
    4. Mega_
      Black holes aren't that big. Black holes are usually smaller than a small star until they start collecting mass.
      Feb 6, 2017
    5. Titanicguy
      Please research on what I said more than a year ago before saying anything
      Feb 6, 2017
    6. Titanicguy
      S5 0014+81
      I wonder how big that one is
      Feb 6, 2017
    7. Mega_
      I know my astronomy. I was saying on average they aren't that big. They're one of the smallest large bodies of mass. E.g. stars, planets,neutron stars. Secondly, after looking up your example, S5 0014+81 I found out isn't even a black hole it's a whole galaxy.
      Feb 6, 2017
    8. Mega_
      The fact that you don't know the difference between a galaxy and a black hole is worrying. Also the fact you said it over a year ago has no relevance to the accuracy of it, if the information you provided is wrong..
      Feb 6, 2017
    9. Titanicguy
      ''That there is A black hole several hundred billion km wide?''
      A isn't plural dude, again, read
      And that Black hole isn't an entire galaxy, It's a quasar. Can you link some stuff to show it's a galaxy?
      Feb 6, 2017
    10. Titanicguy
      Please show how an infinitely dense object is a galaxy
      Galaxies usually have them at their centers but they aren't the same thing dude
      Feb 6, 2017
    11. Mega_
      "And that Black hole isn't an entire galaxy, It's a quasar." A quasar is a part of a galaxy. An active galactic nucleus (AGN) is a compact region at the center of a galaxy
      Feb 6, 2017
    12. Titanicguy
      I just said Bholes are at the centers of galaxies usually jesus christ dude
      i know we are talking about dense objects but stop being one
      Feb 6, 2017
    13. Mega_
      You said S5 0014+81 is a black hole. It isn't, it is a quasar. Your points are contradicting each other. Also you're editing your posts after I have already replied.
      Feb 6, 2017
    14. Titanicguy
      I edited one post to merge 2 comments.
      ''Quasars, also called as quasi stellar radio source, is a very bright object in the universe. It is basically a super massive black hole in action.''
      Basically the same thing, just that Quasars are sucking in big dust clouds. The posts aren't contradictory at all. Maybe confusing, but not contradictory...
      Feb 6, 2017
    15. Titanicguy
      ''Quasars, also called as quasi stellar radio source, is a very bright object in the universe. It is basically a super massive black hole in action.''
      Same thing, just that one is bright and interacting with dust clouds.
      And I merged 2 posts.
      Feb 6, 2017
    16. Titanicguy
      And you said S5 0014+81 is an entire galaxy, now you're saying it's a quasar? That's more contradictory.
      Feb 6, 2017
    17. Titanicguy
      And just because a Quasar is part of a galaxy doesn't mean that it's the entire damned thing
      Feb 6, 2017
    18. Mega_
      Feb 6, 2017
    19. Mega_
      "Same thing, just that one is bright and interacting with dust clouds." Black holes aren't bright. They're literally invisible as light can not escape them. Also as you've already said "basically a super massive black hole in action". This statement is saying they are not the same thing. There is a difference between a mass that has gravity so powerful light can't escape it and shiny dust.
      Feb 6, 2017
    20. Titanicguy
      There's a big rotating shiny thing that's millions of degrees in temperature swirling around a black hole making it bright. That's what is called an accretion disc...You should know this, yes? As it says in the definition, it's just a black hole in action.
      Feb 6, 2017
    21. Titanicguy
      It's an AGN, they just are on the centers of galaxies, and define the galaxies they're in.
      Saying that they're galaxies by themselves is odd because it doesn't fit with the usual definition of one. By itself it's not a collection of stars rotating around a common center.
      Feb 6, 2017
    22. Titanicguy
      Please go back and complain about SJWs and Liberals because you can't speak about astronomy without contradicting yourself all the time
      Feb 6, 2017
    23. lionbdcraft
      chuk me
      Feb 16, 2017
      Mega_ likes this.