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  • Comments on Profile Post by SeanDF

    1. ARVEN0ID
      Today was the last day of school. #getrektm8
      Jun 17, 2014
    2. Cristopher Fennessee
      Cristopher Fennessee
      I was out a week ago get extra wrecked
      Jun 18, 2014
    3. Yin
      My school was supposed to end this Friday, but ended a week early due to protest :D. Now I'm going to Grade 8, and high school.
      Jun 18, 2014
    4. Cristopher Fennessee
      Cristopher Fennessee
      I'm go into grade 10 second year of highschool
      Jun 18, 2014
    5. ARVEN0ID
      im not rekt because its not wrecked, its rekt
      Jun 18, 2014
    6. ARVEN0ID
      and its too late to fix it
      Jun 18, 2014
    7. Katy Hudson
      Katy Hudson
      I got out 3 weeks ago :p
      Jun 19, 2014