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  • Comments on Profile Post by gangsta

    1. Rakion
      Ignoring you? What do you mean?
      Dec 23, 2013
    2. gangsta
      I asked things in game and on here several times and you never reply
      Dec 23, 2013
    3. Rakion
      I haven't been in factions for 2 days now. Also , there was a post of you on my profile. I just saw it now , but I didn't receive the notification though.
      Dec 23, 2013
    4. gangsta
      It was kit pvp and op pvp
      Dec 23, 2013
    5. Rakion
      Really? Oh wow. Anyways , i've dealt with the faction report. Now give me a break , it's 1:14AM.
      I should be spending time with my family.
      Dec 23, 2013