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  • Comments on Profile Post by Chiyami

    1. WiseCrow
      Hope you used sterile items and keep it clean! Use 1 teaspoon sea salt in one cup warm water to rinse it out several times a day, not soap, and don't fiddle with the jewelry. This comes from over a decade of experience with piercings and tattoos.
      Jan 27, 2016
      Chiyami likes this.
    2. Teeeb
      I wish I had your courage babe
      Jan 27, 2016
      Chiyami and bare like this.
    3. bare
      Jan 27, 2016
      Chiyami likes this.
    4. Chiyami
      ayyy, i have saline solution, been cleaning it every morning + night cx and yeah, ordered a piercing kit on ebay, should be clean o3o

      and i was actually shaking before i did it, but it went surprisingly fast and painless,

      thankiesss guysss ;D
      Jan 27, 2016
      WiseCrow likes this.
    5. WiseCrow
      Ok good. :) Good luck with it! I'm far too fat for a navel piercing. lol
      Jan 27, 2016
    6. Teeeb
      misty don't hate on yourself like that!!! <3333
      Jan 27, 2016
    7. WiseCrow
      Oh I'm not hating on myself, just stating facts. Due to my plus size figure, it is impossible to pierce my navel as it is pretty much hidden in fat rolls. It would become infected due to the increased heat (see second comment)
      Jan 27, 2016
    8. WiseCrow
      from being covered with other flesh and should I lose enough weight for it to actually be seen, the hole would be big enough for me to put my pinky through due to loose skin. Trust me, I have thought this all out. lol They aren't really my thing anyways.
      Jan 27, 2016