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  • Comments on Profile Post by notvh

    1. babyboynitro
      *Whispers* You won't be unbanned anytime soon, tbh. I know, i know. But the owners are "busy". Lol, if you need an alt i might be able to generate you one. Same with @NoMoreSanity
      Jan 25, 2016
    2. babyboynitro
      Ill PM you one, just note that other people have access to that, but the chances of them going on it are very slim. Don't tp it to your base or anything. xD If it doesn't work lemme know.
      Jan 25, 2016
    3. Fweft
      nitro thats bannable
      Jan 25, 2016
    4. babyboynitro
      Lmao xD
      Jan 25, 2016