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  • Comments on Profile Post by DuckieDanger

    1. ParanormalPizza
      If my hugging level was really high, what advantages would it give me?
      Jan 24, 2016
      DuckieDanger likes this.
    2. dankmeme
      Use love to attract boys and kill them with a diamond Sword.
      Jan 24, 2016
      DuckieDanger likes this.
    3. DuckieDanger
      @ParanormalPizza well it will give you more hearts in your hearts or it can give you a rare item or a uncommon item it its up to you guys what you want it to be but if you ask me I think if you have a really high hugging skill you get some random rare or what level item that can help you on your fac or for your own stats
      Jan 24, 2016
    4. ParanormalPizza
      I would just hug afk people
      Jan 24, 2016
    5. DuckieDanger
      you cant reamber if your afk for more then 15m you get kicked
      so will you support it?
      Jan 24, 2016
    6. DuckieDanger
      do you?
      Jan 25, 2016
    7. ParanormalPizza
      I remember, but my thoughts remain the same.
      Jan 25, 2016
    8. DuckieDanger
      ok I cant get all the people to get on the hugging side I hope you have a great day
      Jan 26, 2016