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  • Comments on Profile Post by notvh

    1. Lukas08_
      For hotdogs?
      Jan 23, 2016
      PiLe likes this.
    2. seanrays
      I'm waiting too m8 don't worry im with you. I don't think staff will tend to us any time soon.
      Jan 23, 2016
    3. notvh
      To get unbanned from the lobby. ;-;
      Jan 24, 2016
    4. seanrays
      IK hopefully we get to keep the titan ranks since if we don't we are the ones at lost and basically got scammed our ranks TBH.
      Jan 24, 2016
    5. notvh
      We probably won't get to. Hopefully we can get our stuff from the rank trade back from Cryniixz.
      Jan 24, 2016
    6. seanrays
      But how?
      Jan 24, 2016
    7. seanrays
      Adding on, I doubt we would get our stuff back we are apparently
      "all equal" but noobcrew or cyp probably only cares about the players once there's an inconvenience to mineverse in general not the small players such as us.
      Jan 24, 2016