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  • Comments on Profile Post by aaragorn1

    1. Akn
      Jan 21, 2016
    2. YRVintage
      she learned on the way im assuming
      Jan 21, 2016
    3. aaragorn1
      im not trying to insult her BTW, just using her as an example.
      Jan 21, 2016
    4. Krissy
      Is it? Thats funny because every time I have a video of a hacker I make sure they actually are hacking by other mods. Obvious hacks are simple to spot anyway. Plus I have never made a wrongful hacking ban so please, I am not your best example. Good day.
      Jan 21, 2016
      Linux and YRVintage like this.
    5. YRVintage
      OMFG YOU GOT REKT SO BAD @Krissy drop tha mic!!!!!
      Jan 21, 2016
    6. Silence
      She doesn't have it I do.
      Jan 21, 2016
    7. aaragorn1
      The mods said i was using "obvious hacks" and you think you havent made a false ban? I got banned because the moderator didnt know how knockback in minecraft works. You are the BEST example, you admitted to knowing absolutely nothing about pvp, yet you still ban people for hacks? Best example...
      Jan 22, 2016
    8. YRVintage
      you still cannot prove she made any false bans even though she said she has 0 experience with pvp, plus she said she double checks her work, so..
      Jan 22, 2016
    9. Krissy
      Hey, I didnt ban you so you still cant use me as your example. Having zero pvp experience doesnt mean i dont have some experience in moderating it lmao.
      Jan 22, 2016
      YRVintage likes this.
    10. aaragorn1
      im not saying you're a bad moderator... lol, moderators with 0 pvp experience, like you, make false bans. LIKE I SAID, this is not an insult, i have no problems with you.
      Jan 22, 2016
    11. YRVintage
      Hypocrisy ^
      Jan 23, 2016
    12. aaragorn1
      Who TF are you LOL
      Jan 23, 2016
    13. GizzBots
      If you have PvP experience then you really shouldn't know how hacks work... Krissy is predominately from Skyblock where most mods on hacked clients are permitted, and thus, she has probably used hacks enough to recognise them. (Or at least been surrounded by people who use clients)
      Jan 26, 2016
      YRVintage likes this.
    14. aaragorn1
      Gizzboots you would think mods should know the difference because they use hacks but they don't. Also, people who are experienced with pvp know how hacks work. It's obvious when you have pvpd enough to know the difference between strafing and hacking. Most of these mods don't know the difference. Especially when the mods have 0 experience.
      Feb 5, 2016
    15. GizzBots
      If you think that's the case, you're mistaken. After actually using a hacked client on other servers and seeing first hand what they were and what was on them, then I realised what hacks were and how easy it was, and how they work.
      Feb 5, 2016
    16. aaragorn1
      It's easy to spot out the easy hacks, kill aura, aimbot, anti kb etc, but the mods can't spot the hard to find hacks (which are actually really easy to spot) like triggerbot, reduced kb, and click aimbot. Ghost clients are a common thing now. Also, using a client shows nothing, only the easy Hacks to spot. I've never used a client and I can spot hacks easily.
      Feb 5, 2016
    17. GizzBots
      Bruh, using a hacked client and seeing exactly what the hacks do, thru use of them can help you to recognise them when others use them. Point is you were wrong and shouldn't have treated her this way lol
      Feb 5, 2016
    18. aaragorn1
      As I have stated 3 F@CKING TIMES, I am not insulting her, I am using her as an example. She said "I have 0 experience at pvp and i ban hackers," so I used her as an example because she is the perfect example of the bad moderators who falsely ban people AKA pile of butts, nanurz, etc.
      Feb 5, 2016
    19. Silence
      I agree
      Feb 5, 2016
    20. GizzBots
      lol ur clueless
      Feb 5, 2016
    21. aaragorn1
      im starting to think you are...
      Feb 5, 2016
    22. GizzBots
      lol k
      Feb 6, 2016