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  • Comments on Profile Post by MayIsBae

    1. yehs
      It's what happens when you do what you did.
      Jan 15, 2016
    2. Lord Jaraxxus
      Lord Jaraxxus
      No sympathy here, You do the Crime you do the time.
      Jan 15, 2016
    3. MayIsBae
      I didn't do anything, ;-; a mod said i adverstived... which i didnt unless a youtube link counts....
      Jan 15, 2016
    4. Herf
      Wait so a you tube link is advertising?
      Well rip all the kids who advertise on kitpvp lol
      Jan 15, 2016
    5. Akn
      That shouldn't be a ban... YouTube links are allowed.
      Jan 15, 2016
    6. dankmeme
      You advertised the Dora anthem remix then got banned? .____.
      Jan 15, 2016
    7. Benko
      It's mineverse mods, I'm not suprised.
      Jan 15, 2016
    8. MayIsBae
      Mineverse is the Only server i actually play, i mean idk And sc i think the mod hates dora and banned me xD
      Jan 15, 2016
    9. Accepted
      Jan 16, 2016
    10. Akn
      Appeal and state it was a false ban, moderators are punished for such actions...
      Jan 16, 2016
    11. Lord Jaraxxus
      Lord Jaraxxus
      When you guys start taking the offenders side without knowing anything it really shows disbelief in the team, All you had to say was appeal and the truth would have come out. I personally would like to know the reason from the moderator him or herself so I don't have to hear lies on peoples walls.
      Jan 16, 2016
    12. Accepted
      Well never said I believed her
      Jan 16, 2016