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  • Comments on Profile Post by Winnfield

    1. Scorv
      Not sure
      Jan 12, 2016
    2. Winnfield
      Oh wait, I think I see the EA Sign at the bottom. Looks so similar to the BF3 and BF4 Poster though.. they need to update their art :D.
      Are you a BattleField fan?
      Jan 12, 2016
    3. Scorv
      Yeah, it's star wars :p

      Never played battlefield :/
      Jan 12, 2016
    4. Winnfield
      Ohhh... you know there is a new game out called Star Wars BattleFront? It's like BattleField, but with Lightsabers and characters and vehicles from StarWars. Battlefield if a great game, I recommend it if you have a next-gen console :D
      Jan 12, 2016
    5. Scorv
      I know, I own star wars battlefront.
      But I have never played battlefield
      Jan 12, 2016
    6. Winnfield
      Oh right.
      Yeah, no point in getting any of the BattleFields then really. They're all pretty similar in their own ways, if you know what I mean xD.
      Jan 12, 2016
    7. Scorv
      Jan 12, 2016
    8. Levis
      Isn't it BattleFront4? -.-
      Jan 12, 2016
    9. Scorv
      Does that game have AT-ATs and AT-STs and Darth Vader?
      Jan 12, 2016