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  • Comments on Profile Post by Inito

    1. Inito
      Think you can get on? then we can do the swapping and such :D
      Jan 9, 2016
    2. Inito
      ;-; ok then.
      Jan 9, 2016
    3. Orange1k
      hey, im trying but i cant join :(
      Jan 9, 2016
    4. Inito
      whats happening? I can try to help
      Jan 9, 2016
    5. Orange1k
      Do you see me online? if soo can you ask a mod to kick me? xD
      i was out geocaching and when i returned i was "timed out" and couldnt relogin when i tried. ive restarted my computer to see if thats a problem but same result
      Jan 9, 2016
    6. Inito
      weird.. your not logged in, try it again. I really don't know xD or try reseting your router or reinstalling minecraft
      Jan 9, 2016
      Orange1k likes this.
    7. Orange1k
      atleast i am not the same with this problem :/
      i will go and buy some snacks and try again,
      i don´t like when it doesent work :(
      thanks for trying to help! will try your suggestions when returning from the store <3
      Jan 9, 2016