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  • Comments on Profile Post by Fight4Glory

    1. Scorv
      Used to play piano and guitar when I was younger
      Jan 8, 2016
    2. Fight4Glory
      Nice, I can play the drums and a little but of guitar
      Jan 8, 2016
    3. Scorv
      I played drums on rock band :P drums looks fun though
      Jan 8, 2016
      Spark4662 likes this.
    4. Fight4Glory
      Lol Rock Band. It's weird for me to try to play drums on Rock Band, because they are different than actual drums. They just feel weird.
      Jan 8, 2016
    5. Scorv
      I can imagine, the game makes the music for you
      Jan 8, 2016
      Spark4662 likes this.