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  • Comments on Profile Post by Chain

    1. Valor
      Long goal as you have 34
      Jan 5, 2016
      Chain likes this.
    2. djryan
      Jan 5, 2016
      Chain likes this.
    3. Chain
      Well mega if parad0x can keep up his daily 1-2 I might be on top negatives in a few months.
      Jan 6, 2016
    4. Valor
      In 3 months, if you got 2 dislikes a day, that would mean you would have 120 dislikes, landing you nowhere near the top negatives.
      Jan 6, 2016
      djryan likes this.
    5. djryan
      You need to have skill to reach that list.
      Jan 6, 2016
      Chain likes this.
    6. Chain
      Strange. Some people on the list have dislikes + some other rating. However my negative total amounts from just the dislikes I get. Why is that?
      Jan 7, 2016
    7. Chain
      Not too far now :') I guess I nearly have "skill"
      Mar 15, 2016