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  • Comments on Profile Post by Stephen Curry

    1. emxly_x
      y not
      Jan 3, 2016
      Stephen Curry likes this.
    2. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      When you hear Adele every single day more than once on the radio... You go crazy, Emily. CRAZY.
      Jan 3, 2016
      emxly_x likes this.
    3. emxly_x
      in america, i realised they do that a lot
      Jan 3, 2016
      Stephen Curry likes this.
    4. emxly_x
      like for e.g. the song call me maybe, they WOULDNT STOP PLAYING IT FOR GOD SAKE
      Jan 3, 2016
      Stephen Curry likes this.
    5. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      I heard some state / country picks out top hit songs and uses them for christmas songs. It scared me, bc they used Hello I think this year (last year)
      Jan 3, 2016
      emxly_x likes this.
    6. TADS
      hello, it's me
      Jan 3, 2016
      Stephen Curry and emxly_x like this.
    7. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      i've been wondering if after all this time you'd like to stop singing hello
      Jan 3, 2016
    8. emxly_x
      to go over, everything
      Jan 3, 2016
      Stephen Curry likes this.
    9. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      they say that I got banned for a reason, but I can't prove Chipotle rules
      Jan 3, 2016
    10. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Jan 3, 2016
    11. emxly_x
      helloooo, can you hear me?
      Jan 3, 2016
      Stephen Curry likes this.
    12. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      sadly I can hear you singing Hello ;(
      Jan 3, 2016
    13. emxly_x
      im in california dreaming about who used to be
      Jan 3, 2016
      Stephen Curry likes this.