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  • Comments on Profile Post by GenyS

    1. PiLe
      She asked for it.
      Jan 2, 2016
    2. GenyS
      okay, btw where do you play the most pile? I see you allot here and there but we never talk ;-;
      Jan 2, 2016
    3. PiLe
      I don't really play anymore. Spend most of my time moderating. I am on Prison the most tho.
      Jan 2, 2016
    4. GenyS
      Ohh ;-; so theres a timeline problem between us...
      Jan 2, 2016
    5. Krissy
      Thank you <3 yes I asked, same as how I got mod before. I've only made one app and that was a when guard applications where a thing.
      Jan 2, 2016