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  • Comments on Profile Post by Red.

    1. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      Mineverse is nothing to me now. I have to :P Just talk to me through skype.
      Dec 31, 2015
    2. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      I have my own server that I'll start playing on.
      Dec 31, 2015
    3. Red.
      i cri
      Dec 31, 2015
    4. Red.
      come visit </3
      Dec 31, 2015
    5. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      I will <3 *
      Dec 31, 2015
    6. BillCipher
      Ip? I can be your dev :D
      Jan 2, 2016
    7. Stephen Curry
      Stephen Curry
      soz CIpher my bro is but you can apply for Admin, the average applicant rank is Mod. Admin doesn't get OP though, that ended horribly last time I had a server in April 2014. Anyway, I'll give you IP in Private conversation
      Jan 2, 2016