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  • Comments on Profile Post by djryan

    1. PiLe
      I deleted almost 200 statuses of Pops profile yesterday for rate abuse by @thorraks on an alt with a VPN. Don't like staff locking their profiles, feel free to ask him to stop.
      I don't want the statuses I made when I first joined deleted because Thorr is on some rampage.
      Dec 28, 2015
    2. PiLe
      I messaged Cyp yesterday about it. Hopefully we will be able to change it so you can't log on forums with a VPN. That's my hope anyway.
      If you are worried about people not being able to get the help they need we have a help section for a reason. I can also make thread explaining how to start a conversation. If needed.
      Dec 28, 2015
    3. RachetSenpai
      The main issue is, staff need to be able to remove likes on statuses, and also for people to be unable to log on with a VPN, because of one person, a lot of us have to suffer.
      Dec 28, 2015
      YRVintage, Bananurz and PiLe like this.
    4. djryan
      That would be nice :)
      Dec 28, 2015
    5. thorraks
      Pile u dnt want ur statuses to be deleted and u think we want ours to be deleted?
      Dec 28, 2015
    6. thorraks
      and how can u be sure its me? its like the spambots u mods cant do anything but putting blame on me
      Dec 28, 2015
    7. Bananurz
      Lol. This whole thing is screwed. Also Para, if they know how to click my profile, comment, and post it, why couldn't they use the help section? Moderators are allowed to lock profiles if they want. They are even more so due to recent rampages. We will solve it soon. Ridiculous. Also Thor, feel free to lock your profile. No one is stopping you. We are all in the same boat here.
      Dec 28, 2015
    8. thorraks
      I ain't gon lock my profile
      Dec 28, 2015
    9. djryan
      I never said that mods aren't allowed to lock profiles.
      Dec 28, 2015
    10. Bananurz
      I am stating they are for reason: why not? ;p
      Dec 28, 2015
    11. Flazer
      Make it so you can not log in using a VPN. +#ipban
      Dec 28, 2015
      PiLe likes this.