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  • Comments on Profile Post by ShonalFromRaxs

    1. Rodeen
      D3x has an account for every rank so he will continue to come back till Ip banned. There is D3x_God, D3x_Titan, D3x_Sponsor, D3x_Leader, D3x_Elite and others so be careful of his hacks on Kitpvp and Oppvp.
      Dec 24, 2015
    2. ShonalFromRaxs
      lol ik there all different people.. d3x_leader hacked all the accounts and made the clan and gave them to "good pvpers"
      Dec 24, 2015
    3. Rodeen
      D3x hacked my friends account and luckily he got in contact with mojang and got it back but it is my friends fault because he gave a stranger his email xD
      Dec 24, 2015
    4. ShonalFromRaxs
      wow... whos ur friend?
      Dec 24, 2015
    5. Idy
      Rodeen, your friend probably wanted a free rank then lmao.
      Dec 25, 2015
    6. Rodeen
      Ya he did, legit idk who is stupid enough to give their email out to a random.
      Dec 25, 2015
    7. ShonalFromRaxs
      thats true ^
      Dec 25, 2015
    8. Rodeen
      Yo Shonal, what is the texture pack you have I'm sick of my pvp pack I want a new one. Can you give me the link or file to yours over Skype?
      Dec 25, 2015
    9. ShonalFromRaxs
      mines like out dated af .... sure
      Dec 25, 2015