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  • Comments on Profile Post by KittyCraft

    1. KittyCraft
      Dec 20, 2015
    2. KittyCraft
      it wasn't just that one person.
      Dec 20, 2015
    3. BlackZone
      Ok thanks for telling me
      Dec 20, 2015
    4. KittyCraft
      Np sometimes it's best to re-look things over.
      Dec 20, 2015
    5. dera
      First of all, you got someone banned for the same thing that they were already warned for in a previous report not too earlier from when you reported.
      Second, I saw the evidence of you saying other too. Getting mad, and bursting out with anger. As you said about the "Death Threats", Swearing, and using any other kind of profanity is prohibited.
      Dec 23, 2015
    6. dera
      Dec 23, 2015
    7. dera
      This player should not have to make a Ban appeal, as this was only supposed to be and stay a warning.
      Dec 23, 2015