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  • Comments on Profile Post by Cristopher Fennessee

    1. Lola Perez
      Jun 8, 2014
    2. Cristopher Fennessee
      Cristopher Fennessee
      Lola follow my new account
      Jun 8, 2014
    3. BurgerBoy
      This one
      Jun 8, 2014
    4. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Jun 8, 2014
    5. fendodo
      making alt accounts isn't allowed.
      Jun 8, 2014
    6. BurgerBoy
      I am switching oi want my name changed mind your own buisness
      Jun 8, 2014
    7. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Jun 8, 2014
    8. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Oh lol
      Jun 8, 2014
    9. fendodo
      Cristo, why are you getting an attitude? All I said is making alts isn't allowed.
      Jun 8, 2014
    10. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Please don't fight in my profile :( All I want is people to be friends and be happy
      Jun 8, 2014