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  • Comments on Profile Post by AsianFinest__

    1. Syndicade
      Your account was hacked?
      Dec 13, 2015
    2. AsianFinest__
      It's been hacked, he just gets on it as an alt to kill people.
      Dec 13, 2015
    3. TADS
      But you said on OP that you let him use it?
      Dec 13, 2015
    4. Syndicade
      Children, smh
      Dec 13, 2015
    5. AsianFinest__
      No lol, if you ask any one, Reaper, Slidings, etc, they know he's hacked my account and hacked other fellow people. YeOld lost his account just now to him.
      Dec 13, 2015
    6. AsianFinest__
      RIGHT WOLF LOL, exactly what I told him.
      Dec 13, 2015
    7. thorraks
      I guess you're gonna tell me that you were not hacking yesterday and it was zero on ur account?
      Dec 13, 2015
    8. AsianFinest__
      lol, i don't really care what you think, I know it wasn't me but okay :D you're a person who assumes to much and doesn't know the full story. :)
      Dec 13, 2015
    9. thorraks
      weird he was acting exactly like you
      Dec 13, 2015
    10. Syndicade
      steal beams doesn't melt jet fuel
      Dec 13, 2015
    11. AsianFinest__
      not really, I know I wasn't on last night, I know I was playing that day but I wasn't on. This has happened to me on OPPvP as well but it's life, he won't get rid of my acc.
      Dec 13, 2015
    12. thorraks
      Dec 13, 2015
    13. AsianFinest__
      thanks for the report, :)
      Dec 13, 2015
    14. thorraks
      Don't we know, don't we know, don't we know
      Dec 13, 2015
    15. AsianFinest__
      Right ^ but I have 5 people as evidence that can say there accounts got taken + I can list them all :) but I'm not worried, I use to talk to Zero 24/7 etc. You could've said we had a thing but he's changed.
      Dec 13, 2015
    16. thorraks
      Dec 13, 2015
    17. Syndicade
      Aloha snackbar
      Dec 13, 2015
    18. Squire
      How did he "Hack" Your account?
      Dec 14, 2015
    19. AsianFinest__
      he posted links of a site and when I clicked bad opened it, my files were downloading to a folder and I couldn't exit out.
      Dec 14, 2015
    20. Squire
      That sucks. Any chance of changing the password or transferring your account to a new email?
      Dec 14, 2015
    21. thorraks
      he has access to everything she does on her computer, changing password wont help. she needs to get rid of the rats.
      Dec 14, 2015
    22. AsianFinest__
      Nope, I've contacted Mojang already and they said they can't do anything but to shut the account to an unmigrated account but I don't want that to happen because I like playing and enjoying mc. And get rid of the rats? what?
      Dec 14, 2015
    23. thorraks
      he placed something on ur computer, that thing is called a "rats" or a "keylogger" and that makes him being able to see whatever you're doing on your computer and gets all ur password, you can get rid of it by completely reseting ur computer then changing your password, they are other ways to get rid of it but it would be too hard to explain to you.
      Dec 14, 2015
    24. Squire
      Re-format your computer. That's the best advice I can give.
      Dec 14, 2015
    25. AsianFinest__
      I don't want to fully restart my computer because then it will merge into Windows 10 and Windows 10 doesn't allow Minecraft to upload, (heard that from my friend ThirdG) and I don't want to re download everything I have atm. I don't want to wait 3-4 hours on waiting for my computer to reset to default. Any other ways to help guys?
      Dec 14, 2015
    26. Squire
      What OS do you currently have?
      Dec 14, 2015
    27. AsianFinest__
      Windows 8
      Dec 14, 2015
    28. Squire
      Last question, did you build your pc or buy it prebuilt/laptop?
      Dec 14, 2015
    29. thorraks
      there are others ways
      Dec 14, 2015
    30. AsianFinest__
      Dec 14, 2015
    31. Squire
      I was gonna say, if it was built than you should just have the disc to format windows 8 on it again. Maybe search how to remove key logger.
      Dec 14, 2015
    32. AsianFinest__
      Okay thank you.
      Dec 15, 2015