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  • Comments on Profile Post by elrak

    1. Musezeta
      Regardless, you still continued to do so after I let them shoot you off.
      Dec 11, 2015
    2. Musezeta
      And why is a moderator showing you a report before it is even filed under the archives?
      Dec 11, 2015
    3. elrak
      it's on youtube you spaz
      Dec 11, 2015
    4. elrak
      and btw abusing glitches is bannable too so yeah
      Dec 11, 2015
    5. Musezeta
      So you just so happen to search up yourself after blatantly using a client to see if anyone had posted a video on it, and then wait to post on my page after the report has been made? Sorry but that's one benefit of the doubt I find hard to believe.
      Dec 11, 2015
    6. elrak
      i've never hacked in my life i swear
      Dec 11, 2015