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  • Comments on Profile Post by Krissy

    1. Lemonade
      Nah, sb is where it's at :t
      Dec 6, 2015
    2. Pocidel
      Apply again please.
      We need more mods
      Dec 6, 2015
    3. emxly_x
      to be or not to be? to be.
      Dec 6, 2015
    4. Krissy
      If I ever apply again, something in the team will need to change. If I cannot be promised that my opinions mean anything then I will not try again.
      Dec 7, 2015
    5. Pocidel
      I have been playing mineverse ever since it started. Iv'e never seen anything like this, there are people hacking everywhere, and I barely see any mods on. This will promote hackers to other players, and thinks you won't get any problems by hacking. Please, i beg you
      Dec 9, 2015
    6. Krissy
      Even if I wanted to return theres no guarantee I would be accepted. I am one person and the hackers wont disappear because of me. It takes a team, a large team. Sorry but for now mv can do without me.
      Dec 10, 2015