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  • Comments on Profile Post by brgdude

    1. PiLe
      Crew and Cyp have been working on a fix. They were on for house last night trying to find a solution. For now you will just have to wait it out. I am so sorry.
      Nov 30, 2015
    2. TADS
      If you haven't bought them yet, buy the clear inventory and tp to spawn on creative. If neither of those work, download the **FREE** application Minechat and type /spawn and /ci. Those worked for me
      Nov 30, 2015
    3. brgdude
      thanks for the info but i'd rather not buy the stuff
      Nov 30, 2015
    4. PiLe
      It's free.
      Nov 30, 2015
    5. TADS
      They're free of cost.
      Nov 30, 2015
    6. brgdude
      i bought both and i still crash when i go on creative
      Nov 30, 2015