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  • Comments on Profile Post by Scorv

    1. Scorv
      We're going to the finals playing for 1st place in the Province/State. And we're ranked #24 in the country.
      Nov 28, 2015
    2. Dyna_Mighty
      That is awesome!! Good luck! Last night my brother's high school team played in the quarter finals for our state and lost. He was devastated, we were hoping they would take state since he is a senior.
      Nov 28, 2015
    3. Syndicade
      What position are you?
      Nov 28, 2015
    4. Scorv
      That sucks Dyna. to get so far only to lose in the finals. I sure hope we win.

      WolfBane I started as Cornerback, but Im now Runningback, Fullback, and Wide receiver
      Nov 28, 2015
    5. Syndicade
      Damn son relax
      Nov 28, 2015
    6. TADS
      Our high school team is terrible. We almost went to playoffs, but.. We lost by a touch down in the last 2 minutes. We had the lead by two touchdowns in the top of the fourth, and then we lost.
      Nov 28, 2015
    7. Winnfield
      Scorvix is world famous.
      Nov 29, 2015