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  • Comments on Profile Post by KatoFett

    1. Flazer
      Maybe if you didn't look at servers as opportunities to become a mod?
      Nov 27, 2015
    2. KatoFett
      I don't. If I like the server I decide to apply for it. If I'm neutral to the server, so I play it but I'm not a big fan of it, I don't apply. If I really like the server I try to apply ASAP. I would just love to be a mod on a server, it is my dream. I just see it, " [Mod] KatoFett: I love everything." I just don't know why I keep getting denied.
      Nov 27, 2015
    3. Flazer
      You've been applying for a month, maybe if you were more persistent and dedicated you might. Take myself as an example, I've been applying since the end of May, I have not gotten mod, though I am still trying hard to get the position.
      Nov 27, 2015
    4. KatoFett
      However, applying several times decreases your opportunity to getting mod because the staff may see it as spam, which puts a negative effect on you.
      Nov 27, 2015
    5. Flazer
      Why would you apply several times?
      Nov 27, 2015
    6. KatoFett
      I never did and I never will. I was just saying that because the way you worded your reply to my status made it sound like you were reposting a mod request.
      Nov 27, 2015