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  • Comments on Profile Post by Nightfire

    1. MiningCreeper454
      hiii :) <3
      hope you're doing super awesome ok and life's treatin you ultra well.
      Nov 24, 2015
    2. Nightfire
      I really miss you ;-; <3 Thank you. Likewise as well <3
      Nov 24, 2015
    3. MiningCreeper454
      i'm sorry I haven't been on in a long time... exams are coming up, a close friend died a month ago today, i'm failing all my classes- yeah i'm doing okay. one day at a time. <3
      Nov 24, 2015
    4. Nightfire
      Hope it gets better. <3 Also, I hope you come back soon.
      Nov 24, 2015
    5. MiningCreeper454
      baby i'm home
      Oct 11, 2016