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  • Jennifer Balbin
    Last Activity:
    Sep 16, 2016
    Oct 23, 2015
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    Dec 16, 2000 (Age: 23)

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    Jennifer Balbin

    Active Member, Female, 23

    Hello! Every time I log onto the creative server my minecraft crashes. Help please?? Nov 21, 2015

    Jennifer Balbin was last seen:
    Sep 16, 2016
      1. Jennifer Balbin
        Jennifer Balbin
        Hello! Every time I log onto the creative server my minecraft crashes. Help please??
        1. View previous comments...
        2. Jennifer Balbin
          Jennifer Balbin
          Thanks! I just tried but nothing happened. The screen is no longer blank, but still crashes.
          Nov 21, 2015
        3. Janice
          Did you wait 5 minutes before logging back in Creative?
          Nov 21, 2015
        4. Musezeta
          You should purchase these items when logged out of all servers. Tends to work immediately if done this way
          Nov 21, 2015
      2. Jennifer Balbin
        Jennifer Balbin
        Hello! Every time I log onto the creative server my minecraft crashes. Help please?
      3. ItsSniiper
        Welcome to the forums!
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    • About

      Dec 16, 2000 (Age: 23)
      November 21, 2015

      Hello all fellow Mineverse players! Lately for the past few weeks, every time I log into the creative server my screen goes blank then Minecraft crashes. My other siblings have been able to log in, so have my cousins. But I haven't:facepalm:. I've tried ./tp (username) , and teleport to spawn pass, but none have worked. Any suggestions or way to help? I appreciate it, thanks!
