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  • Comments on Profile Post by ZeldaNinja

    1. Herf
      delete mc and redownload optifine only thing o can think of cus i dought anyone will be able to read that code lel
      Nov 18, 2015
    2. Dom
      Herf I can read some.
      Zelda, its a memory crash, your game took up to much RAM in the process of running, so probably the game needed a reset.
      Nov 19, 2015
    3. ZeldaNinja
      But it happens every time I try to minimize my minecraft, the screen turns black and it shows that after like a second
      Nov 19, 2015
    4. ChiChay
      it says you have java 8, minecraft only really supports java 7
      Nov 20, 2015
    5. ZeldaNinja
      So it won't crash anymore if Im in Java 7?
      Nov 20, 2015
    6. ChiChay
      maybe not, maybe yes. Try it, if it crashes pm me
      Nov 20, 2015
    7. ZeldaNinja
      Thanks! I'll let you know when I get java7
      Nov 21, 2015
    8. Linux
      It won't load, so I'm gonna say a building?
      Nov 30, 2015