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  • Comments on Profile Post by yehs

    1. yehs
    2. sircorgi
      I think the 1st one looks really good, especially how it's drawn Minecraft style and how it's looking majestically at the glowing moon, that is illuminating the night sky
      Nov 18, 2015
    3. ParanormalPizza
      First one.
      Nov 18, 2015
    4. WiseCrow
      That's what I would say had you not said it better. The first one just gives you a sense of peace and relaxation and happiness. I'd choose one. The other one is cute but does not strike you as well as the first. Also the watermark is kinda a downer.
      Nov 18, 2015
    5. sircorgi
      The 2nd one actually has a watermark so I suggest the 1st one
      Nov 18, 2015
    6. WiseCrow
      Yea if the second one just had a small signature then I would be more inclined to choose two but since it's a huge watermark... One... Definatly One.
      Nov 18, 2015
    7. sircorgi
      Exactly what Bad Wolf just said
      Nov 18, 2015
    8. WiseCrow
      Nov 18, 2015
    9. Malc
      I like the first one
      Nov 18, 2015
    10. yehs
      The First One Selected. :) <3
      Nov 18, 2015
    11. Syndicade
      nice :D
      Nov 18, 2015