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  • Discdog1000
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    May 1, 2014
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    July 12
    a place where mineverse doesn't exist
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    Well-Known Member, Female, from a place where mineverse doesn't exist

    3 years on forums and i don't care anymore May 1, 2017

    Discdog1000 was last seen:
    Apr 8, 2019
      1. Discdog1000
        "ima head yo hair!" -ItzBunni 2k15
      2. Dom
        I hope you re-apply :(
      3. ferras
        Why are you demoted
        1. sircorgi
          Not caring for players and being disrespectful ;-;
          Nov 20, 2015
        2. ferras
          Nov 20, 2015
        3. sircorgi
          Ik D:
          Nov 20, 2015
      4. Linux
      5. Grays0n
        "Bad attitude", i've rarely seen you on threads.
        How can you be rude if you don't' talk in the first place dufooq?
        1. sircorgi
          Nov 20, 2015
      6. rpcraig
        Sorry what happened disc, I don't think we've ever met in-game, but I always saw you on the forums and you seemed like a cool person. I hope you get a second chance and maybe we can see each other in-game sometime :)
        1. Discdog1000 and Syndicade like this.
      7. KittyKoz
        Sorry this happened disc, you were an amazing moderator and I feel like you deserve a second chance. You did an extraordinary job at being a mod, and Hopefully you decide to re-apply in the future. <3
        1. Discdog1000 likes this.
      8. Jen
        You demoted for this? Smh. Some people don't understand, you were great. :\
        1. Discdog1000 likes this.
      9. alma
        I'm sorry this happened to you, disc. ;( I thought you were doing great.
        1. Discdog1000 likes this.
      10. iGlitcher
        What the hell happend? You were so good! Cypriot must've made a mistake
        1. Discdog1000 likes this.
      11. Bantz
        Sorry to see you go. gl in the future
        1. Discdog1000 likes this.
      12. YRVintage
        I want you to re-apply in the future.
        1. Syndicade and Discdog1000 like this.
      13. Dyna_Mighty
        Im sorry to see you go. Good luck if you decide to apply again in the future. :)
        1. Discdog1000 likes this.
      14. Syndicade
        I too know what it's like to be demoted. The feeling is quite awful, yes. Do not let those who doubt you, and the mistakes you've made destroy you though.. Like they had done to me. Rather, use this all as a learning experience so that you may hopefully reapply in the future, and learn from your mistakes. You're a great friend, and were a good Mod. Don't let anyone say otherwise.

        - S
        1. Discdog1000 likes this.
      15. SSMH
        Sad to see you go. At the very most you helped out the community one way or another.
        The hate you got when you were first promoted was ridiculous.
        I can definitely vouch that you were bullied and ridiculed the first day you came on as a guard on Prison.
        I wish you the best of luck if you do wish to apply again. :)
        1. Syndicade and Discdog1000 like this.
        2. View previous comments...
        3. Dyna_Mighty
          People gave her hell the minute she came into prison with the Guard tag. If she was rude to the players, it was well deserved. People were very ugly to her and I felt bad for her. One can only take so much abuse from people before they have had enough and say something rude in return.
          Nov 30, 2015
        4. Chain
          I think I was there when she came on. Ppl just wanted the guard armour. I don't remember any1 saying anything bad.
          Nov 30, 2015
        5. l0wkey
          Anyways its none of our business what went on.
          Nov 30, 2015
      16. l0wkey
        Disc, you were a great mod while you lasted. Honestly sad to see you go. Hopefully you can make better decisions (I dont know the incident) in the future. Good luck <3.
        1. Discdog1000 likes this.
      17. Tepig4321
      18. elrak
        Look, if you really want to reapply and get it again, do what Scorvix did. Moderating isn't really all that great although it is fulfilling. I didn't want to continue to try get it so I gave up but just remember you still have a chance. I understand how it feels to get demoted and get hated on so just keep your head up and just remember that it's only going to be like this for a couple of days.

        gl <3
        1. sircorgi, Agent, thorraks and 9 others like this.
        2. View previous comments...
        3. Syndicade
          pile is og confirmed
          Nov 19, 2015
        4. Grays0n
          Original sucksbigdickidkwhybutwhereistheGcomingfromtherewego
          Nov 19, 2015
        5. Syndicade

          Original butts
          Nov 19, 2015
      19. Wolf64
        Aw you got demoted? :( but you're respectful, responsible and kind... You have the traits of a mod! :( What did you do?! You were a good mod while it lasted...
        1. Syndicade and Discdog1000 like this.
      20. BlackZone
        Disc was not expecting this, great moderating while it lasted.
        Sad to see you demoted! :(
        1. Discdog1000 likes this.