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  • Comments on Profile Post by SSMH

    1. Dyna_Mighty
      I absolutely agree with you. She didn't stand a chance from the moment she stepped foot in Prison. The players were relentless.
      Nov 17, 2015
    2. l0wkey
      Nov 17, 2015
    3. Chain
      Nov 30, 2015
    4. Dyna_Mighty
      People gave her hell the minute she came into prison with the Guard tag. If she was rude to the players, it was well deserved. People were very ugly to her and I felt bad for her. One can only take so much abuse from people before they have had enough and say something rude in return.
      Nov 30, 2015
    5. Chain
      I think I was there when she came on. Ppl just wanted the guard armour. I don't remember any1 saying anything bad.
      Nov 30, 2015
    6. l0wkey
      Anyways its none of our business what went on.
      Nov 30, 2015