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  • Comments on Profile Post by Terrick

    1. Discdog1000
      Nov 16, 2015
    2. Terrick
      Deleting my comment like that.
      Nov 16, 2015
    3. Discdog1000
      I don't recall deleting it..
      Nov 16, 2015
    4. elrak
      Not really rude, you're rubbing it into her. Just stop being a doodle for once. :(
      Nov 16, 2015
    5. PiLe
      I deleted it. There's no need for your crap here Terrick.
      Nov 16, 2015
    6. Mega II
      Mega II
      The revolution against the Torrick is taking place.
      Nov 17, 2015
    7. Terrick
      I don't get what you mean by my "crap"?
      You're opinion holds no concern to me over a joke, lmao.
      Watch how fast it gets reposted lmao.
      Nov 17, 2015
    8. elrak
      'no concern to me'
      *replies to it*
      Nov 17, 2015