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  • Comments on Profile Post by Jen

    1. sircorgi
      I had to do some parts in the ceremony at school today, it was nice, a bit. The atmosphere was so sombre, and when the atmosphere is sombre, I'm sombre..
      Nov 11, 2015
    2. Jen
      Ours wasn't.. Some guy screamed allah akbar in the silence.. I was just so disappointed.
      Nov 11, 2015
    3. sircorgi
      Whoever shouted that out was the most mature and serious guy in the school..
      Nov 12, 2015
    4. Jen
      Smh. He was so rude.
      Nov 12, 2015
    5. sircorgi
      He ruined it for everyone and doesn't deserve any attention from the students, that's probably why he did it
      Nov 13, 2015
    6. Syndicade
      @Prin that happened to me in the 7th grade lol
      Nov 17, 2015