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  • Comments on Profile Post by sircorgi

    1. Krissy
      :D doesnt beat my skyblock followers but its something :D
      Nov 11, 2015
    2. sircorgi
      I only got 37 ;-;
      Nov 11, 2015
    3. Krissy
      :( well if it makes you feel any better, before i was mod i have around 30 :P
      Nov 11, 2015
    4. sircorgi
      Wait, I've looked at most mods and their followers are really high, so maybe it's the fact your a mod that gets you followers :0 (And yes Krissy, that made me feel better :) )
      Nov 11, 2015
    5. Krissy
      :) yep so dont worry, you will probably get more followers and end up with a good 100+ eventually and thats considered great. Though followers isnt the be all end all.
      Nov 11, 2015
    6. sircorgi
      Yeah honestly I don't think it matters how much followers you have, I don't even care much about it either, though I still care a bit
      Nov 11, 2015
    7. Krissy
      Yeah similarly sometimes I can say I don't care, other times it's just nice.
      Nov 11, 2015
    8. sircorgi
      Still 100 followers.. I wonder how long this can go on for :P
      Nov 16, 2015
    9. Krissy
      A long time :t
      Nov 16, 2015
    10. sircorgi
      Noo someone unfollowed you... 99 followers now
      Nov 17, 2015
    11. Coastic
      I got 94 bc I'm talented (Krissy plZ follow me here too)
      Nov 24, 2015