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  • Comments on Profile Post by Christi

    1. Grayson
      I've always questioned this, but what if trying to be someone else IS being yourself. It's hard to not be yourself... It's impossible to be honest. If you fake a personality, you are yourself faking that personality...
      Jun 5, 2014
    2. Christi
      I guess it's just the fact that you should always stay true to yourself. Nowadays it seems there will always be certain expectations, and if you're something different than what society expects you to be, you're labelled. And it's why so many people try to fit in the mold that society's created and fake a personality to be accepted, but it's just a quote saying that it's ok to be different, to stand out from the rest
      Jun 5, 2014
    3. Grayson
      I'm labeled, I have "Mod" next to my name. Labeling isn't bad, it's just determining what type of something is and how people take into consideration and act when seen. For example: I join KitPvP, people spam me with messages and act nice, because of that label. It's stupid, yes. As I was saying, some people don't know themselves, so that's not staying true to themselves? I'm not disagreeing with you what so ever.
      Jun 5, 2014
    4. Christi
      Well yeah, not all labels are bad, I'm just saying that people try to blend in, because of what society thinks, what it wants them to be. I understand what you're trying to say, some people are still finding themselves, trying to understand who they are, and that's perfectly ok, it's normal to be unsure of who you are.
      Jun 5, 2014
    5. Grayson
      There's always 2 sides on everything.
      Jun 5, 2014
    6. Christi
      Yep, agreed.

      Let's just agree to disagree :>
      Jun 5, 2014
    7. Grayson
      I wasn't trying to disagree. I was stating both sides. I totally agree :P
      Jun 5, 2014
    8. Christi
      Ehh, I guess I misinterpreted it.

      My brain doesn't work well on a Friday afternoon. :L
      Jun 5, 2014