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  • Comments on Profile Post by Lola Perez

    1. Toweeh ❥
      Toweeh ❥
      You speak the truth...
      Jun 4, 2014
    2. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      And I din't follow that truth... Went to a pool... And burned my face :/
      Jun 4, 2014
    3. Toweeh ❥
      Toweeh ❥
      Hahah XD Gg :/ Hope you feel better<3
      Jun 4, 2014
    4. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Lol its all gone now I put some cream on mah face
      Jun 4, 2014
    5. Toweeh ❥
      Toweeh ❥
      Oh, that's good! :D
      Jun 4, 2014
    6. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      :D <3
      Jun 4, 2014
    7. Toweeh ❥
      Toweeh ❥
      Are you online?
      Jun 4, 2014
    8. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      Nope its 11:14 PM for me lol
      Can't get on my mom won't let meh
      Jun 4, 2014
    9. Toweeh ❥
      Toweeh ❥
      I snuck on, because music is life<3
      Jun 4, 2014
    10. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      I am going to sleep.
      Bai bby <3
      Jun 4, 2014
    11. Toweeh ❥
      Toweeh ❥
      Baii babeh ;3
      Jun 4, 2014
    12. Lola Perez
      Lola Perez
      ;3 <3
      Jun 4, 2014