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  • Comments on Profile Post by ParanormalPizza

    1. sircorgi
      A wolf pizza :3
      Nov 4, 2015
    2. ParanormalPizza
      I can try, but it's so difficult to make a pizza skin ;-; Any ideas on how to do it? Wolf with a pizza hoodie?
      Nov 4, 2015
    3. WiseCrow
      The Noid.
      Nov 4, 2015
    4. ParanormalPizza
      Very clever... I don't think that would suit me though @Bad Wolf Thanks anyway :P
      Nov 4, 2015
    5. WiseCrow
      Nov 4, 2015
    6. Rodeen
      You should have a dino turtle skin <333
      Nov 4, 2015
    7. sircorgi
      Paranormal search for a pizza guy and find a jacket, wolf ears and a tail. I could make it for you if you wanted.. :P
      Nov 5, 2015
    8. ParanormalPizza
      Oh, yes please @RebornWolf_ :D I've been struggling to find the right skin, so if you could do that, I would very much appreciate it. If you want, I'll pay you money on any gamemode as a thank-you gift :)
      Nov 5, 2015
    9. Rodeen
      Buh Riley </3 u need to be a dino :) ilyyyy @RebornWolf_ he soooo needs to be a dino dont u agree ahaha
      Nov 5, 2015
    10. sircorgi
      I'll get started asap
      Nov 5, 2015
    11. ParanormalPizza
      So far, adding up all the things people told me to be, I would be a dino turtle wolf bunny pizza thing with a hoodie. I think I'll stick with what @RebornWolf_ is making for me.
      Nov 5, 2015
    12. sircorgi
      Ok, so a Dino+Turtle+Bunny+Pizza skin.. right. Gotta think how to put all of that in one whole skin xD Ok, so maybe Wolf ears, a bunny tail, dinosaur spikes and a turtle shell with a pizza skin. You cool with that?
      Nov 5, 2015
    13. Rodeen
      Wolf genious idea xD the dino spikes will be a nice touch lel
      Nov 5, 2015
    14. ParanormalPizza
      If you actually managed to make that I would be really impressed. Stick with whatever idea you want, then send it to me. Thanks :)
      Nov 5, 2015
    15. sircorgi
      xD Wait I forgot the actual jacket.. Oh who cares it's spring and almost summer here :P
      Nov 5, 2015
    16. sircorgi
      I just did the wolf ear and bunny tail, the turtle shell will be a challenge but I like challenges :P
      Nov 5, 2015
    17. ParanormalPizza
      Awesome, thanks so much for making the skin :)
      Nov 5, 2015
    18. sircorgi
      Anytime :)
      Nov 5, 2015
    19. WiseCrow
      14 alerts all because I responded to this... once...
      Nov 5, 2015
    20. ParanormalPizza
      If only there was a way to unwatch someones status
      Nov 5, 2015
    21. sircorgi
      Para what type of jacket do you want?
      Nov 5, 2015
    22. sircorgi
      Para do you want a jacket or?
      Nov 5, 2015
    23. ParanormalPizza
      If it's not too much of a bother, yes please. Thanks
      Nov 5, 2015
    24. ParanormalPizza
      Any type of jacket is fine. If you haven't included pizza in the skin yet, put the pizza on the jacket.
      Nov 5, 2015
    25. sircorgi
      The skin is a pizza :P
      Nov 5, 2015
    26. ParanormalPizza
      Alrighty then, just msg me when it's done. Thanks again :)
      Nov 5, 2015