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  • Comments on Profile Post by sircorgi

    1. GamingFists
      Hello. I would like to start a trolling series on YouTube. I would like to do this on your Factions, but I'll need Op.... Is that ok? If you want more info just say.
      Oct 28, 2015
    2. sircorgi
      I may not be a mod but I know that we don't give people OP. The only way you can be OP is buy getting a good rank and that just gives you better armour, weapons, etc.
      Oct 29, 2015
    3. GamingFists
      Thanks for info. I would like to be able to do creative, world edit. But thanks for info.
      Oct 29, 2015
    4. GamingFists
      Can't mod do that?
      Oct 29, 2015
    5. sircorgi
      Mod's don't have any special perks besides the commands like /ban, /mute, etc. If you're asking if a Mod can give you OP, well, like I said, they don't have any special perks, so they can't give anyone else op
      Oct 29, 2015
    6. GamingFists
      Ok thanks. I thought mod would be able to do /gm 1 or something. Thanks for your time!
      Oct 29, 2015