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  • Comments on Profile Post by Kyaaaal

    1. djryan
      No actually, that wasn't the reason. The reason is located at the top left of your screen.
      Oct 27, 2015
    2. Kyaaaal
      Only just got the notification now. I actually wasn't sure, so I message another, more experienced mod about what action I should take. They said it was okay to lock and archive, while also leaving a reason why + tell them to email support.
      Oct 27, 2015
    3. djryan
      Alright then.
      Oct 27, 2015
    4. PiLe
      Maybe you know something I don't?
      Oct 27, 2015
    5. djryan
      Probably not, I just thought it would be better to allow everyone a chance to help the server, but it's fine.
      Oct 27, 2015
    6. PiLe
      Ahh. Ya, I see what you mean. That's why I said to email Merks, so he might be taken seriously. <3
      Oct 27, 2015