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  • Comments on Profile Post by TheNitroMatrix

    1. :)
      he's not using the banned image as profile picture, lol. he's actually banned, i know that because the 'PM' button is gone.
      Oct 20, 2015
    2. TheNitroMatrix
      Oct 20, 2015
    3. TheNitroMatrix
      But then how we view his profile?
      Oct 20, 2015
    4. :)
      ask a moderator
      Oct 20, 2015
    5. TheNitroMatrix
    6. TADS
      We're able to see his profile because he is not perm banned. If he was perm banned, we wouldn't be able to.

      They allow it so if someone is 'temp-banned' you can still view their profile.
      Oct 20, 2015
    7. TheNitroMatrix
      ah ty for infoes
      Oct 20, 2015
    8. 532
      shut up
      Oct 23, 2015